This is our Brandon Lee Download must have some kind of wav player on your computer to hear them.Have fun and if you want your file here please let me know and email it to me @the addy below!

"Mother is the name for god on the lips and hearts of all children

"You're not paying attention"

What are you supposed to be a ghost or something?

Believe me nothing is trival

Try Harder try again

This is the cut scene between Brandon's charactor Eric Draven and the Skull Cowboy which was taken out of the original movie.You need Real Player for this.To download Real Player go to REal's website.Thanks

I love you..Say that again..

Is that gasoline I smell?

The Crow not sure which one

I repeat a gold ...


Email Here
This was added to my tribute to Brandon Lee on February 21st 1999

This was last updated on March 1/2000